Sherpa Music Vol 22 Secret Songs
I have secret songs. You might too.
They’re songs that mysteriously click on in my head and heart at just the right moment to remind me of times past, friends, lovers, the good and the not-so. They sweep in when I’m lost in thought, subconsciously looking for respite from the turbulence, or in that space when I’m not doing, I’m just being.
My secret song list is constantly growing and morphing. At any given time it might take on a new shape and become the soundtrack for that day or moment. This one is a snapshot of songs that echo with the Greenwich Village of my youth all the way up to the present. It has reverberations, tempos, and beats of the places I’ve lived and loved, New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle, and cherished friends and family that have come and gone.
Some of these tunes are secret because they’re rare, eccentric or long forgotten. Some are all about the lyrics and how that poetry talks to me. Others are about the swing and the mystery. Somehow all of them are tied to my story and memories.
“It is a dance we do in silence, far below this morning sun
You in your life, me in mine, we have begun”
Jackson Browne
It’s a long soundtrack, a soul journey, that squirms away from hard editing and seems to have a life of its own. I offer it here in its un-redacted, full-length, version to be dipped into on your time.
May it remind you of your own story and evoke memories and secrets for you.